Where to Watch USA Lottery Draws

USA National Lottery draws are shown on television nationwide throughout the week and live streamed online, so there are multiple ways to enjoy the thrill of discovering the winning numbers in real time and finding out if you're a winner.

On this page, you'll find the TV broadcast schedules along with draw days and times in your area for Powerball, Mega Millions, Lotto America, Lucky for Life and Cash 4 Life, plus links to the live stream for each game.

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Watch Powerball Draws  |  Watch Mega Millions Draws  |  Watch Lotto America Draws
Watch Lucky for Life Draws  |  Watch Cash 4 Life Draws

When and Where to Watch State Lottery Draws

In addition to the multi-state games listed on this page, you can also view local in-state lottery draws on television. Find out the TV channel listings to watch your favorite games broadcast live in your area. More states are being added.

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Watch Michigan Lottery Draws  |  Watch Minnesota Lottery Draws  |  Watch Ohio Lottery Draws
Watch Pennsylvania Lottery Draws  |  Watch Texas Lottery Draws  |  Watch Virginia Lottery Draws

When and Where to Watch Powerball Draws

Powerball drawings are broadcast live on TV channels across America every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 10:59 PM EST. Check the following table to find out which station in your area shows the winning Powerball numbers as they are drawn, or watch the draws on the live stream.

Powerball TV Draws
State City TV Channel Time
Fort Smith KFSM 5 (CBS) 8:59 PM MST
Jonesboro KAIT 8 (ABC/NBC) 8:59 PM MST
Little Rock KATV 7 (ABC) 8:59 PM MST
CONNECTICUT Waterbury WCCT 20.1 (CW) 10:59 PM EST
Ft. Myers WFTX 4 (FOX)
WWDT (Telemundo)
10:59 PM EST
Gainesville WCJB 20 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Jacksonville WTLV 12 (NBC)
10:59 PM EST
Miami WSCV 51 (Telemundo)
10:59 PM EST
Orlando WKMG 6 (CBS)
WTMO 31 (Telemundo)
10:59 PM EST
Panama City WJHG 7 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
Pensacola WEAR 3 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Sarasota WWSB 7 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Tallahassee WTXL 27 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Tampa WTSP 10 (CBS)
WRMD 49 (Telemundo)
10:59 PM EST
West Palm Beach WPBF 25 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Albany WALB 10 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Atlanta WSB-TV 2 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Augusta WJBF 6 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Columbus WRBL 3.1, 15 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Macon WMAZ 13 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Savannah WSAV 3.1 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Ottumwa-Kirksville KTVO 3 (CBS) 9:59 PM CST
Sioux City KTIV 4 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
Boise KTVB 7.2 (NBC) 8:59 PM MST
Lewiston KLEW 3.1 (CBS) 7:59 PM PST
Pocatello/Idaho Falls KPVI 6/6.1, 1006 (NBC) 8:59 PM MST
Twin Falls KTFT 7.2 (NBC) 8:59 PM MST
Evansville WTVW 7 (CW) 9:59 PM CST
Ft Wayne WFFT 55 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
Indianapolis WXIN 59 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
South Bend WNDU 16 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
Terre Haute WTWO 2 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
KANSAS Sublette KDGL 23.1 9:59 PM CST
LOUISIANA Alexandria KALB 5 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
Baton Rouge/Lafayette YUR-LA 4 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
Lake Charles KVHP 29 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
Monroe KARD 14 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
New Orleans WVUE 8 (ABC/CW) 9:59 PM CST
Shreveport KTBS/KPXJ 3.21 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
MARYLAND Baltimore WBAL 11 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Alpena WBKB 11 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Bay City/Flint/Tri-Cities WNEM 5 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Detroit WDIV-TV 4 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Kalamazoo EWMT 590 (CW) 10:59 PM EST
Lansing WLAJ 53 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Marquette/Upper Peninsula WLUC/ELUC 6 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Norton Shores WMKG 40 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Traverse City WGTU 29 (ABC)
10:59 PM EST
Gulfport WXXV 25 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
Columbus WCBI 27 (CBS) 9:59 PM CST
Starkville WCBI 27 (CBS) 9:59 PM CST
Tupelo WCBI 27 (CBS) 9:59 PM CST
Columbia KQFX 22.1 (FOX) 9:59 PM CST
Kansas City WDAF 4.1 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Kirksville KTVO 33.1 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Asheville WLOS 13 10:59 PM EST
Charlotte WAXN 64 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Greensboro WGHP 8 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Greenville WITN 7 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Raleigh WRAL 5 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Binghamton WICZ 40 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Buffalo WUTV 29 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Capital Region WGRB 6/WCW 15 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Elmira WETM 18 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
New York City WABC 7 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Plattsburgh WPTZ 5 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Rochester WHAM 13 (ABC/CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Syracuse WSTM 3, 5 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Utica WUTR 20 (ABC/CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Watertown WSTM 3/WTVH 5 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Bend KTVZ 21 (NBC) 7:59 PM PST
Medford KOTI 2 (NBC) 7:59 PM PST
Medford KOBI 5 7:59 PM PST
Portland KWVT 17.1 (ABC) 7:59 PM PST
Erie WJET 24 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Harrisburg WGAL 8 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Johnstown/Altoona WTAJ 10.32 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Philadelphia WTXF 29 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Pittsburgh WPXI 11 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton WNEP 16 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
RHODE ISLAND Providence WPRI 12 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Aiken/Augusta WRDW 12 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Charleston WCSC 5 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Columbia WLTX 19 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Florence/Myrtle Beach WMBF 32 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Greenville/Spartanburg WHNS 21 10:59 PM EST
Hilton Head WHHI 30 (MNT) 10:59 PM EST
Rock Hill/Charlotte WMYT 12 (46) (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Chattanooga WTVC 9 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Jackson WBBJ 7 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Johnson City WJHL 11 (NBC) 9:59 PM CST
Knoxville WBIR 10 (CBS) 9:59 PM CST
Memphis WREG 3 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Nashville WKRN 2 (ABC) 9:59 PM CST
Harrisonburg WHSV 3 (FOX) 10:59 PM EST
Harrisonburg ESVF 43 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Norfolk WVEC 13 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Richmond WTVR 6 (ABC) 10:59 PM EST
Richmond WRIC 8 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Roanoke WDBJ 7 (CBS) 10:59 PM EST
Bridgeport WDTV 5 (NBC) 10:59 PM EST
Charleston/Huntington WSAZ 3 10:59 PM EST

Watch Powerball Lottery Draws on the Live Stream

You can watch the Powerball live stream of results to discover in real time if you're the newest Powerball winner.

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When and Where to Watch Mega Millions Draws

Mega Millions drawings are broadcast live on television every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00pm EST. The table below shows you which station and channel you need to tune in to for a chance to see the winning numbers as they are drawn. Another option is to view draws via live stream.

Mega Millions TV Draws
State City TV Channel Time
ARIZONA Tucson KOLD News 13 9:00 PM MST
Ft. Myers WFTX (FOX)
WWDT (Telemundo)
11:00 PM EST
Gainesville WCJB (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Jacksonville WJXX (ABC)
11:00 PM EST
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale WFOR (CBS)
WLTV-TV (Univision)
WAMI-TV (Unimas)
11:00 PM EST
Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne WKMG (CBS)
WTMO (Telemundo)
11:00 PM EST
Panama City WJHG (NBC) 10:00 PM CST
Pensacola WFGX (MyTV)
10:00 PM CST
Sarasota WWSB (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Tallahassee WTXL (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Tampa/St. Petersburg WFTS (ABC)
WVEA-TV (Univision)
11:00 PM EST
West Palm Beach WPEC (CBS0
WWHB-TV (Azteca)
11:00 PM EST
Albany WALB 11:00 PM EST
Atlanta WSB-TV 11:00 PM EST
Augusta WJBF 11:00 PM EST
Columbus WRBL 11:00 PM EST
Macon 13WMAZ 11:00 PM EST
Savannah WSAV 11:00 PM EST
Boise KTVB NBC 7, Channel 7.2 or KTVCB.com 9:00 PM MST
Idaho Falls/Pocatello KPVI-NBC Channel 6 (delayed) 9:00 PM MST
Lewiston KLEW-CBS Channel 3/8 (live) 8:00 PM PST
Twin Falls NBC 7.8 (live) or KTFT-NBC Channel 7 (delayed) 9:00 PM MST
ILLINOIS - Channel 9 (WGN) 10:00 PM CST
Evansville WTVW7 10:00 PM CST
Fort Wayne WANE15 11:00 PM EST
Indianapolis FOX 59 11:00 PM EST
Merrillville Lakeshore Public Television 10:28 PM CST
South Bend WNDU16 11:09 - 11:13 PM EST
Terre Haute WTWO2 11:00 PM EST
Cedar Rapids/Waterloo/Dubuque KWWL 10:00 CST
Sioux City KTIV 10:00 CST
Alexandria KALB Channel 5 (NBC/CBS/CW) 10:00 PM CST
Baton Rouge WBRZ 2+ 10:00 PM CST
Lafayette KATC3 10:00 PM CST
Lake Charles KVHP Channel 29 (FOX) 10:00 PM CST
Monroe KARD Channel 14 10:00 PM CST
New Orleans WVUE Channel 8 (FOX) 10:00 PM CST
Shreveport KTBS 3 (ABC)
KPXJ 21 (CW)
10:00 PM CST
MARYLAND Baltimore WBAL-TV 11 11:00 PM EST
Alpena WBKB 11 (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Bay City/Flint/Tri-Cities WNEM 5 (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Detroit WDIV-TV 4 (NBC) 11:00 PM EST
Kalamazoo EWMT 590 (CW) 11:00 PM EST
Lansing WLAJ 53 (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Marquette/Upper Peninsula WLUC/ELUC 6 (NBC) 11:00 PM EST
Norton Shores WMKG 40 (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Traverse City WGTU 29 (ABC)
11:00 PM EST
Albany WALB ABC-10 11:00 PM EST
Binghamton WBNG-12 11:00 PM EST
Buffalo WUTV 29 11:00 PM EST
Capital Region WRGB 6
CW 15
11:00 PM EST
East Syracuse WSYR-TV 11:00 PM EST
Elmira WETM 18 11:00 PM EST
Johnson City WBNG-TV 11:00 PM EST
New York ABC-7NY 11:00 PM EST
Plattsburgh WPTZ 11:00 PM EST
Rochester WHAM-13 11:00 PM EST
Syracuse WSTM 3
11:00 PM EST
Utica WUTR 20 11:00 PM EST
Watertown WSTM 3
11:00 PM EST
Asheville WLOS Channel 13 11:00 PM EST
Charlotte WAXN TV 64
11:00 PM EST
Greenville/New Bern/Washington WITN Channel 7 11:00 PM EST
Raleigh WRAL Channel 5 11:00 PM EST
The Triad WGHP 8 (FOX) 11:00 PM EST
Erie WJET 24 11:20 PM EST
Harrisburg/Lancaster/York WGAL 8 11:20 PM EST
Johnstown/Altoona/State College WTAJ 10 11:20 PM EST
Philadelphia WTXF 29 11:00 PM EST
Pittsburgh WPXI 11 11:11 PM EST
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton WNEP 16 11:00 PM EST
Aiken/Augusta WRDW-TV (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Charleston WCSC (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Columbia WLTX (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Florence/Myrtle Beach WMBF (NBC) 11:00 PM EST
Greenville/Spartanburg WHNS (FOX) 11:00 PM EST
Hilton Head WHHI-TV 11:00 PM EST
Rock Hill/Charlotte WMYT – MNT 11:00 PM EST
Hampton WVEC-TV 11:00 PM EST
Harrisonburg WHSV-TV 11:00 PM EST
Northern WUSA-TV 11:00 PM EST
Richmond WRIC-TV 11:00 PM EST
Roanoke WDBJ-TV 11:00 PM EST
US VIRGIN ISLANDS Christiansted, St. Croix WSVI 8 (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington WSAZ 3 (NBC) 11:00 PM EST

Watch Mega Millions Lottery Draws on the Live Stream

You can watch the Mega Millions live stream of results. Have your ticket handy to learn whether you're the latest Mega Millions winner.

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When and Where to Watch Lotto America Draws

Draws are not broadcast on TV; however, you can watch Lotto America draws via a live stream online to check the winning numbers.

Lotto America is played in 13 states every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 pm ET. Participating states are: Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

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When and Where to Watch Lucky for Life Draws

Lucky for Life is a multi-state game with draws held in Connecticut every night at approximately 10:38 PM EST.

Lucky for Life is played in the following lottery jurisdictions: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Washington D.C., Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Below you can find the TV stations that broadcast Lucky for Life in your area, or scroll down to see how to see the draws on an online live stream.

Lucky for Life TV Draws
State City TV Channel Time
CONNECTICUT Waterbury WCCT-TV 20 Approx. 10:38 PM EST
Alpena WBKB-TV 11 (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Bay City/Saginaw WNEM-TV 5 (CBS) 11:00 PM EST
Detroit WDIV-TV 4 (NBC) 11:00 PM EST
Kalamazoo EWMT-TV (CW) 11:00 PM EST
Lansing WLAJ-TV 53 (ABC) 11:00 PM EST
Marquette WLUC-TV 6 (NBC) 11:00 PM EST
Norton Shores WMKG-TV 40 11:00 PM EST
Traverse City WGTU-TV 29 (ABC)
11:00 PM EST

Lucky for Life Lottery Draws on the Live Stream

You can watch the Lucky for Life live draw online to get the latest results. Have you won luck that lasts a lifetime?

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When and Where to Watch Cash 4 Life Draws

Cash for Life is played in 10 states: Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Draws are held seven days a week at 9:00 PM ET and ticket sales close at 8:45 PM ET.

Here, you'll find listings of all the television channels and broadcast times for the game's nightly draw so you can see them live. Alternatively, watch draws on a live stream.

Cash 4 Life TV Draws
State City TV Channel Time
Ft. Myers WFTX 4 (FOX)
WWDT 43 (Telemundo)
10:00 PM & 11:00 PM EST
Approx. 9:00 to 9:05 PM EST
Gainesville WCJB 20 (ABC) Approx. 11:15 to 11:30 PM EST
Jacksonville WJXX 25 (ABC)
Approx. 9:00 to 9:15 PM EST
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale WFOR 4 (CBS)
WBFS 33 (My Network)
WLTV-TV 23 (Univision)
11:20 to 11:35 PM EST
9:00 to 10:00 PM EST
Approx. 10:10 to 10:45 PM EST
Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne WKMG 6 (CBS) 9:00 to 10:00 PM EST
Panama City WJHG 7 (NBC) Approx 8:00 PM CST
Pensacola WFGX 35 (MyTV)
Approx. 10:30 PM CST Mon. & Thurs.
10:30 PM CST
Sarasota WWSB 7 (ABC) Approx. 11:25 to 11:35 PM EST
Tallahassee WTXL 27 (ABC) 9:20 PM EST
Tampa/St. Petersburg WFTS 28 (ABC)
WVEA-TV (Univision)
10:00 to 10:30 PM EST
Approx. 9:00 to 9:05 PM EST
West Palm Beach Azteca 48 Approx. 9:00 to 9:05 PM EST
Albany WALB 10 (ABC) 9:00 PM EST
Atlanta WSB-TV 2 9:00 PM EST
Augusta WJBF 6 9:00 PM EST
Columbus WRBL 3 9:00 PM EST
Columbus WRBL 3 9:00 PM EST
Macon WMAZ 13 9:00 PM EST
Savannah WSAV 3 9:00 PM EST
See below for live stream link.
See below for live stream link.
See below for live stream link.
See below for live stream link.
See below for live stream link.
See below for live stream link.
Chattanooga WTVC 9 (ABC) 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
Jackson WBBJ 7 (ABC) 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
Knoxville WBIR 10 (NBC) 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
Memphis WREG 3 (CBS) 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
Nashville WKRN 2 (ABC) 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
Tri-Cities Area ABC 11.2 8:00 PM CT / 9:00 PM ET
See below for live stream link.

Cash 4 Life Lottery Draws on the Live Stream

View the Cash 4 Life draw live stream online - check your ticket as the winning numbers come in to find out if you've won the amazing lifelong payout.

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